Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nicole Renee McDowell

Nicole is my only granddaughter and she just had a birthday!! She turned 7 on June 3rd and had a wonderful birthday party with lots of friends and family present. Nicole is "rather" special to me, i.e. she's my "ONLY" granddaughter. She is very much a "girly-girl" and always has been, much to the chagrin of her granny, ME! I was always such a tomboy, climbing trees, fighting pirates (even though I broke my arm), playing baseball, basketball, and even football. I read comic books and "NEVER" played with dolls. WELL, you guessed it!! Nicole loves to have her nails done, wear dresses, AND play with dolls, whom she names and treats just like real babies........
For her 7th birthday I wanted to give her a very special present that she could enjoy and hopefully share with her own children one day. So, I decided to paint a face and the dress on a rag doll. Years ago Priscilla Hauser painted such a doll which was featured on the cover of a magazine so I modeled Nicole's doll after Priscilla's!! I got both the doll (a Sandy doll) and the pattern from Priscilla and painted the doll with "much love" to my only granddaughter. She loved it, and this is truly my legacy to my dear sweet "Nicole".


dayadevi Heart-Catterall said...

great to see that you are adding to your blog. I should get mine set up too! Good for you girlfriend.

Linda said...

I love your doll!! I am sure your granddaughter will cherish it forever!!


B4painter said...

How are you doing, hoping your heart is mending well, I have a small whole in mine too a Ventrical Septic Defect, but they never wanted to repair it. Saw all your wonderful art on the picture site. Is your Van Alest up there? didn't go through everything. Mine is hanging on my basement wall, 1/3 done waiting for inspiration and especially time to continue and do more on it. Been working on my website alot, put some patterns up for "scratch art" and sold a few sets of 10. Otherwise keeping busy with the local art club, a little doll of a granddaughter (shes 9 months old on the 24th.) So cute, got pictures on my facebook of her. I was wondering if you had made the little doll for your grand daughter that you have on your picturesite? If so, would you be willing to share? Love to make mine one for her 1st birthday. Take care, Barb Stachow

Turning My Fraktur over to Andy Jones

Turning My Fraktur over to Andy Jones
Fraktur Donated to DAC

Snow in Tulsa

Snow in Tulsa
Looking out my hotel window.

Painting with Priscilla March 09

Painting with Priscilla March 09
some of the Basic II students with Priscilla & me helping.

Playing in the Snow in AZ clothes

Playing in the Snow in AZ clothes
Attempt at a snowman

Priscilla's Bug

Priscilla's Bug
My Transportation While in Tulsa