Friday, April 10, 2009

Part of My History Immortalized in the DAC Museum

I unexpectedly lost my mother in Jan. 2008. We were not on the "best of terms" as mother and daughter so I took her death quite hard and filled with some sense of guilt at not trying harder to make amends. We were working on it, just not fast enough. I am okay, and have learned a lot about both my mother and myself over the past year.

Among her belongings I discovered an old, unusual document rolled up that appeared to have red, green, and burnt sienna markings and symbols on it surrounding some sort of message hand written in German. I am blessed to have a friend in Amsterdam who speaks several languages and she gladly translated the words on it from a picture. I also sent a picture of it to Andy Jones, MDA and curator of the Decorative Arts Collection Museum to get his professional opinion of what I had. He replied that I was in possession of a "Fraktur" which seemed to be in excellent condition. That sent me on a "google trip" to study and learn about my so called "Fraktur". What an exciting historic adventure!!

I then received the translation and discovered the Fraktur was the Birth announcement and Christening record for Maria Catharina Kaup, born Sept. 2, 1803 in New Brunsweig, PA.
Maria was my Great-Grandmothers, great- grandmother! My great-grandmother (my mothers maternal grandmother) lived in my hometown and she didn't pass away until a month after I got married in 1967. I knew her growing up and was quite close to her, so this document holds great meaning for me. My mother was also quite close to my great-grandmother (she was the first grandchild) so that made it even more special. I was worried about the preservation of it because I didn't have a clue how to take care of such a work of art.
I decided to get in touch with Andy Jones once again and see if this might be something the DAC would be interested in. He was quite excited about it so I made arrangements to have the document turned over to him during the Las Vegas Creative Painting Convention in 2009. It was with a saddened heart I let it go, but a very happy and content heart knowing that it will be taken care of and preserved for future artists to appreciate. I have donated it with great pride, in the name of my late mother, Delores Joyce Hart Schleiger. Somehow, I feel this Fraktur has helped me achieve closure and an understanding for so many pieces of the past.

1 comment:

Georgia said...

Hi Marsha,

I love this story! What a wonderful donation to the DAC. Knowing that it will be studied and preserved by future generations of Decorative Artists must give you so much satisfaction and peace. I'm sure that your Mom and your Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother would be pleased and honoured.

Turning My Fraktur over to Andy Jones

Turning My Fraktur over to Andy Jones
Fraktur Donated to DAC

Snow in Tulsa

Snow in Tulsa
Looking out my hotel window.

Painting with Priscilla March 09

Painting with Priscilla March 09
some of the Basic II students with Priscilla & me helping.

Playing in the Snow in AZ clothes

Playing in the Snow in AZ clothes
Attempt at a snowman

Priscilla's Bug

Priscilla's Bug
My Transportation While in Tulsa