Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trying To Overcome Jetlag

I have been home from Tulsa, Ok. for almost a week now and am still trying to
adjust to the two hour time change difference. I am wondering if it's just me
struggling because I tend to sleep so little when I am traveling (2-3 hrs/nite) and
now it is catching up with me. I don't like to sleep because there is so much I want to
learn and to do. But, alas, the body needs it's rest. I wonder if most people are like
this when they travel? I have only been traveling a lot in the past 2 years as I travel
to study painting with others. I had always been afraid to fly but my love of painting and
the desire to learn more changed all that. I am forever grateful that painting has
changed and enriched my life so much. Jet lag is a small price to pay for the opportunity
to learn to paint with the best.

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Turning My Fraktur over to Andy Jones

Turning My Fraktur over to Andy Jones
Fraktur Donated to DAC

Snow in Tulsa

Snow in Tulsa
Looking out my hotel window.

Painting with Priscilla March 09

Painting with Priscilla March 09
some of the Basic II students with Priscilla & me helping.

Playing in the Snow in AZ clothes

Playing in the Snow in AZ clothes
Attempt at a snowman

Priscilla's Bug

Priscilla's Bug
My Transportation While in Tulsa